Juncture Modification in Educated Spoken Nigerian English

It is now generally known that Nigerian English exists as a dynamic and legitimate variety comparable to other new Englishes in the world. The variety is used by Nigerian speakers of English particularly those who are born into, and have grown up in, the Nigerian environment. There is no doubt that many studies have been carried out into this variety of English. When it comes to features identification however, some available investigations have included sections on juncture raising but the more embracing phenomenon-juncture modification is apparently a neglected area. It is in this neglected area that this article strives to make a contribution.

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Author D Eka
Maintainer Journal of Humanities
Version 1992
Last Updated April 4, 2024, 11:56 (UTC)
Created April 4, 2024, 11:55 (UTC)
Pages 1-8
Volume 2