Influence of topographic (crest, upper slope, middle slope and lower slope) position and land utilization types (rubber and oil palm plantations; one year and five years old fallows) on fertility was studied in soils formed on coastal plain sands in southeastern Nigeria. Topography significantly (p<0.05) influenced soil organic carbon (SOC), base saturation, total exchangeable (TEB) and exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) in the 0-15 cm depth, and exchangeable sodium (Na+), exchangeable aluminum (Al3+), effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC) and exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) in the 15-30 can depth. Land utilization types significantly (p<0.05) influenced pH, SOC, available phosphorus (P), calcium, sodium, ECEC and TEB in the 0-15 cm depth and sand, clay, pH, P, Mg, H+, base saturation, TEB, aluminum saturation, Mg/K and (Ca+Mg)/K in the 15-30 cm depth. Use dependent