Socio-psychological study of coping strategies in Nigerian youth
Psychological Studies of National Academy of Psychology, India -
The influence of socio-economic status on perceived attractiveness of paid...
Ibom Journal of Social Sciences -
Sex differences in achievement motivation among Indian and Nigerian...
Journal of Psychological Researches: An International Journal Chennai, India -
Sex differences in achievement motivation among Nigerian University students
Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Psychology -
Sentence processing in bilinguels
Global Journal of Educational research -
Semantic differential checking and its relation to scholastic achievement
Classical Journal of Research in Education -
Relationship between personality make-up and preference for off-the-job...
International Journal of Social Science and Public Policy -
Recall and reconstruction of prose as a function of linguistic constraints
West African Journal of Educational Research -
A psycho-social and disciplinary analysis of 16 PF test scores of drug users...
Journal of psychological researches, India -
Personality Adjustment of Professional and None Professional Students
Nigerian Journal of Social Sciences and Development Issues -
Participation of women in trade union activities amythorreality, Cross River...
Journal of Education and Society -
Nature of environment and Development of form orientation
West African Journal of Education Research -
Lexical decisions under different cross-modal selective attention situations...
African journal of research in Education -
Indigenous knowledge and communal conflict resolution: Evidence from Nigeria
Indilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems, published in South Africa -
Gender and work value preferences: A study of industrial training...
South-South Journal of Culture and Development -
Form-discrimination learning in adolescent retardates as a function of...
Departures Journal of Contemporary Social Issues -
Effects of fatigue on eye-hand coordination tasks
Nigerian Journal of Basicand Applied Psychology -
Effects of anxiety, reinforcement and task difficulty on performance among...
Journal of Contemporary Social Issues -
Effect of mediation on creativity and intelligence
African journal of Research in Education -
Effects of induced anxiety on test performance among secondary school students
Reading in Applied Psychology in Education