Ensuring Effective Engineering and Technological Education in Nigeria: Role...
Proceedings, African Regional Conference on Engineering Education and Sub-Regional Workshop on New Engineering Curriculum, University of Lagos, September, 2002 -
Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations in Nigeria: Issues and Experience
Johannesburg, South Africa, May 3-5 -
The impact of Agricultural Development Policies on plant Genetic Resources...
Proceedings of the 5th Annual Scientific conference of Nigerian Society for Biological Conservation (NSBC), Umudike. -
Public and Private Investment and Economic Growth in Nigeria: Empirical Examination
Proceedings of the Nigerian Economic Society 1998 Annual Conference -
Options for Sustainable Funding of Education in Nigeria
Proceedings of the Nigeria Economic Society, Ibadan -
Health Effect of Pollution in Nigeria: An Econometric Examination
Proceedings of the SPE Nigerian Annual International Conference, Port Harcourt -
Educational Financing in Nigeria: Policy Options for the 21st Century
Proceedings of the Nigerian Statistical Association Annual Conference, Mina -
Character of Unemployment in Nigeria and its Links with the Macroeconomy
Nigeria Economic Society Annual Conference Proceeding. Nigeria -
Health Finance and Economic Growth in Nigeria
Proceedings of Business and Management Conferences 6810240, International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences -
School-Based Assessment and Effective Implementation of the Universal Basic...
Conference Proceedings, National Association of Evaluators and Researchers -
Activity techniques and its implications for Science Curriculum innovation in Nigeria
Curriculum Development in Science, Technology and Mathematics (STM) Education. Yenagoa, Bayelsa State. STAN 49TH annual conference. 25-30 August 2008 -
Training Needs of Fisher-folks in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
Pub. Proc. Of the 40th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Society of Nigeria (ASN) Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria. -
Pre and Post Avian Influenza Scare Poultry Egg Production: A Comparative...
In Sustainability of Livestock Production in an Oil Economy. Pub. Proc. 32nd Annual Conf. Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP) Calabar, CRS, Nigeria