Paradigm shift of Nigerian Women Towards Science and Technology Advancement:...
Gasat 11 Conference, Mauritius, July 6-11, 2003 -
Harnessing, Organizing and Dissemination of Science and Technology Resources...
Science and Technology Resources -
A Brief Note on Application of Science and Technology in Converting...
Journal of Environmental Design, Uyo: Faculty of Environmental Studies, University of Uyo. -
Science, Technology and Industrialization in Africa: The Case Study of Akwa...
International Journal of Development Studies -
Gender Issues in Science and Technology Development
Journal of Science and Technology Research -
Methods of Implementation of Integrated Curriculum by Science and Social...
Journal of Research and Development in Education (JORDE).Published in 2017 by Benchmark Printers -
Acceptance of Integrated Curriculum among Science and Social Studies...
Journal of Resourcefulness and Distinction. Published in July 2016 by Association of Nigerian Teachers (ASSONT) -
STAN, Basic Science and Technology for Primary Schools
Books 1 and 2, Theme 1, Chapter 1; Theme 4, Chapter 9: The Senses, Forms of energy (sound) Ibadan, University Press PLC -
Resources as an enhancer for effective teaching and learning of Science
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Resources as an enhancer for effective teaching and learning of Science
teaching and learning of Science -
Creativity in Science, Technology and Mathematics (STM) Education: A Gateway...
Journal of Education, Uniuyo -
Law, Science, and Technology The Millennial Challenge
Science and Technnology in Akwa Ibom State: Visions and Perspectives. -
Communicating physics through teaching materials: A case study of Akwa Ibom...
In Olarewaju, a. D. (Ed) 39th Annual Proceedings of Science Teachers Association of Nigeria.