Trace Metal Levels in Arthropteris orientalis from Batteries Industry Environment.
Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences -
Levels of Trace Metals in sediments from Qua Iboe River and its tributary.
Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology -
Levels of Toxic Metals in Achatina achatina from parts of Akwa Ibom State.
Journal of Environmental Science, China -
Levels of Toxic Metals in Telfairia occindetails from a Paint Industry Environment.
J. App. Chem. & Agric. Res. -
Heavy Metal Levels in Water and Fish from Streams in Relation to Industrial...
Trans. Nig. Soc. Biol. Conser. -
Heavy Metal Levels in Ultilsols From an Abandoned Battery Industry...
World Journal of Applied Sciences and Technology -
Estimating growth, Instability indices and Levels of associations in numbers...
Tropical Journal of Animal Sciences -
Levels of Awareness and Adoption of Innovations on Sweet Potatoe by Farmers...
Journal of National Association of Women Academics (UJOWACS) -
Transgenerational Effects of Cadmium Toxicity on Gonadal Steroid Levels and...
Journal of Applied Sciences Research -
Organochlorines levels in Liver of wild grass Cutter (Thyronomys...
Trop. Environ. Res. -
Performance of Snails (Archachatina marginata) Fed Varying Levels of Calorie...
Nigerian Journal of Forestry,