Perception and Performance of Communication Arts Students towards News...
News writing Courses have always been a constant menu in the curricula of Communication Courses in most universities both locally and internationally. However, what is not clear... -
Perception of Akwa Ibom Broadcasting Corporation Radio 90.5FM Coverage of...
GVU Jounal of Communication Studies -
Perception of Science Communication Culture by Communication Scholars in a...
Department of Communication Arts, University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria -
Perception of Young People in Uyo Metropolis on Social Media Health-Related...
The Nigerian Journal of Communication (TMC) -
Stakeholders’ Perception Of The Level Of Adherence/Enforcement Of The...
AKSU Journal of Communication Research (AJCR) -
Science Teachers' Perception of ICT Capacity Building Workshop in Akwa Ibom...
African Research Review, International Multidisciplinary Journal (Ethiopia) -
HIV Risk Perception and Prevention among Sex Workers in Ikot Ekpene Local...
Journal of Sociology, Psychology and Anthropology in Practice, -
Assessment of Perception of Benefits of Organic Gardening in Maiduguri...
Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development -
Students’ Perception of the Characteristics of an Ideal University Teacher
Teaching and Learning -
Nigerian Films and the African Cultural Value: An examination of people’s...
Ibom Journal of Social Issues. A Publication by the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Uyo